Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Everyday i must do something that makes me feel alive...

5:43 PM



Anonymous said...

1. who is that.
2. are u cheating
3. im jealous
but overall i love that picture its so like carefree child-like! :)

Little Lulu said...

1. That is a friend of mine in Egypt
2. LOL! Your my number one!
3. Your next on my list! loool. Im down for acting carefree & doing things adults arent 'suppose' to do any day of the week!

more pic's 2 come.....

Anonymous said...

Ok I shall allow this picture LOL as she is a friend in Egypt :) hello friend in Egypt !!

And yay too more pictures ur keeping up ur doing well :) xo

Illustrious said...

Nice photo. i like the blured areas the most, gives is a nice feeling.. is that you jumping around in the photo? lol